Long Term Follow up of Patients Who Have Received Gene Therapy or Gene Marked Products
study id #: NCT00695279
condition: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Malignancy, Hematologic, Neuroblastoma, Neoplasm, Mucopolysaccharidosis I
status: Recruiting
purpose:This protocol (GENEFU) provides a mechanism for the 15-year followup period that the FDA requires for all participants in gene transfer protocols and assures that adequate followup can be maintained for a wide variety of participants on different individual gene therapy protocols at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
GENEFU serves as an umbrella protocol for long-term follow-up (LTFU) for recipients of gene therapy/gene marked (GT/GM) products at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The FDA has recommended methods to assess the risk of delayed adverse events after GT/GM and has provided specific requirements regarding the duration and design of LTFU observations. This protocol is intended to provide LTFU in accordance with the FDA guidelines for those who received a GT/GM product as part of a St. Jude-sponsored clinical trial or compassionate use treatment plan. The protocol calls for a physical examination or general health evaluation and collection of required blood samples annually for up to 15 years after the last receipt of a GT/GM product.
Goals will be to obtain clinical histories in order to detect late clinical outcomes suggestive of retroviral or lentiviral disease, including but not limited to cancer/second malignancies, neurologic disorders, autoimmune disorders, and hematologic disorders. Blood samples will be archived and tested when clinically or scientifically indicated, as in the event of development of a second malignancy. This prospective cohort study will utilize descriptive statistics in the analysis of long-term late effects outcomes. It offers a uniform approach to long-term safety monitoring in research participants who have received a gene-transduced product as part of St. Jude-sponsored GT or GM protocols and compassionate use treatment plans.
intervention: Venipuncture
results: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT00695279
last updated: February 26, 2022
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